Monday, June 2, 2008

Grandma Hystad's Recipes, Food, Cooking, Cleaning Tips, Stain Removal

This article will have no recipes, bar mixes, but will just have information, tips on cooking and hard to remove stains, cleaning tips.


General rules.

TENDER CUTS of meat can be cooked by dry heat, as in broiling, pan-
broiling, or roasting.

TOUGH CUTS can only be made tender by moist heat, as in pot roasting and

Our main object is to prevent shrinkage in so far as possible, and
produce a tender, juicy, tasty product. In roasting, searing does little
to help keep in juices, less shrinkage results Home refinancing calculator a lower temperature for
a longer time (300 F). Searing however makes the meat online insurance quote attractive and
the outside layers taste better.

An uncovered pan with a rack in the bottom gives the best results in
roasting. Cooking time varies with preference.

For rare meat, 16 minutes per pound.

For medium meat, 22 minutes per pound.

For well done meat, 30 minutes per pound.

Add salt during or after cooking, not before. The salt flavour does not penetrate
more then 1 inch. If the meat does not reach the desired colour during roasting,
increase the heat to (500 F) for a few minutes before removing from the pan.

Methods of searing is subjecting the meat to a high temperature until it
is nicely browned.

By browing in an uncovered pan in a hot oven (450 F-500F).

By browing in hot fat in a frying pan on the surface burner.

By adding boiling water and cooking at boiling temperature until the
outside of the meat has lost its red colour.

Reasons For Cooking Meat

To develop flavour.

To soften the connective tissue when present in large quantity.

To kill any living organisms that may be present.


A teacher was giving her class a test on birds. She decided to test in a different manner.
Rather then in text she gave her students pictures of birds, but just with their legs showing.
The students had to figure out the name of the birds the legs belong to.

A male student took a look at the test, grab the paper, stormed to the
teachers desk, threw the paper on her desk and started to leave the room.
The teacher stopped him and asked for his name. The student turned,
pulled up his pant leg and replied, you figure it out.

To Make Soup

When buying a roast from which the bone has been trimmed, remember you pay
for the bone. Make sue you ask for it and use it making meat broth or soup
stock. When the bone is cooked in water for a long time, a substance inside
It changes into gelatine. This dissolves in hot water and so is present in the soup stock.

Soup stock is improved be adding some meat. The toughest cuts-such as the
shank-which are rich in extractives are best. Very little nourishment is dissolved out in water,
use the soup meat in left-over dishes. To improve flavour add onions or Oxon cubes.

Browning the meat improves the flavour. In making soup, brown one-third
of the meat in marrow or fat. Add cold water to cover the bone. Heat to
simmering temperature, and cook buy settlements for about 3 hours. Vegetables may
be added in the last hour. Celery leaves for added flavour.

Reasons For Cooking Meat.

To develop flavour.

To soften the connective tissue.

To kill any living organisms.


Prepare meat as in general cooking rules above.
Place on a rack in dripping-pan and dredge meat.
Follow general rules for roasting. Serve with brown gravy.

Brown Gravy.

Estimate fat in pan.

Add the same quantity of flour with seasoning to taste.

Add boiling water to make the consistency of medium white sauce.

Cook until no taste of raw starch.

Season with salt and pepper.


Before washing, it is essential that all stains be removed. Sometimes
soap or hot water will set a stain and make its removal impossible.

Berry Stain, place the stained part over a pot and pour boiling water
over it from a height of about 2 feet so as to strike the stain with
force. Plunge the stained part up and down in the hot water until the
stain is removed. If stain is persistent, use javelle water.

Peach Stains, are not easy to remove. Be careful not to wipe hands with
peach-stains on a good napkin, towel or apron. injury at work stain over a pot of
hot water and apply javelle water with a medicine-dropper. Do not allow it
remain too long in contact with the fibres. Javelle water rots even cotton
and linen. Apply oxalic-acid solution to naturalise the alkali and rinse
thoroughly in hot water. Several applications may be necessary.

Tea And Coffee Stains.

Follow the same procedures as for berry stains above.

Blood and Meat-Juice.

Never Mississippi Lemon Laws in hot water as that sets the stain. Soak at once in cold
water. Rub with soap and wash. A paste of raw starch mixed with cold
water will remove these stains on flannel, blankets, and heavy goods.
Repeat until stain disappears.

Egg-Stain, wash in cold water, then warm water and soap.

Having A Party? Weight Makes A Difference.

If you're having a party, provide food with drinks.
Offer non-alcoholic substitutes such as fruit, soft drinks.

2 drinks taken within an hour by a person 100 pounds produces a
075 reading. One drink is equal to about 1.5 oz. of whisky or 2
bottles of beer. The rate of elimination for each hour after
drinking has stopped is 015. A 200 pound person, after 1 drink
produces a reading of .019, so you can see there is a big difference
due to weight.

As a host it is your duty to make sure no one leaves your party
impaired. Have some one drive them home.

Disclaimer: The Author of this article is not responsible for accuracy or completeness nor shall he be held liable for any damage or loss arising out of or in any way related to the information or utilization of it.

Article Source: Bruce Chambers sold his printing, publishing, mail
order business and retired in 1980. He came on the Internet in 2003.
He researched for 1 year, and then started a free monthly Activity
Internet Marketing Report, plus free monthly Grandma Hystads Recipes,
bar mixes, tips newsletters. At present he resells from his website.

You can subscribe to either or both newsletters by going to his web
site. Please visit: cbestbuyshttp://cbestbuys

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